April 17, 2023 2023-09-08 5:12Accounting
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FNS40222 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping
The FNS40222 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping is ideal for those individuals undertaking or seeking roles in the accounting sector, including bookkeepers, accounts clerks and BAS Agents.
FNS50222 Diploma of Accounting
You will learn how to provide financial and business performance information, prepare tax documentation for individuals, prepare financial reports, lead effective workplace relationships, prepare operational budgets and work effectively in the accounting and bookkeeping industry.

FNS60222 Advanced Diploma of Accounting
This qualification reflects the role of individuals working in accounting and seeking professional recognition, including tax agents, accounts managers and business analysts; and to employees performing a range of accounts management tasks for organisations in a range of industries.
Package Course FNS40222 & FNS50222
Ideal for those individuals undertaking or seeking roles in the accounting sector, including bookkeepers, accounts clerks and BAS Agents.

Package Course FNS40222 & FNS50222 & FNS60222
Ideal for those individuals undertaking or seeking roles in the accounting sector, including tax agents, accounts managers and business analysts; and to employees performing a range of accounts management tasks for organisations in a range of industries.