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Our Philippines team opening a global education to Tañon College


Our Philippines team opening a global education to Tañon College

Our Philippines team hosted a seminar and awareness campaign about studying abroad at Tañon College (in 1952), located in San Carlos City, Negros Occidental. We shared about the exciting opportunities and diverse programs available, igniting students’ interest in pursuing their dreams Down Under.

The seminar aimed to inform students about the benefits of studying in Australia, such as gaining a global perspective, experiencing a different culture, and accessing high-quality education. We discussed various topics, including the application process, future job opportunities, and life as an international student.

Through interactive sessions and informative presentations, we encouraged students to consider studying abroad as a pathway to personal and professional growth. The campaign sparked enthusiasm among attendees, who expressed eagerness to explore the possibilities of studying in Australia.

Overall, the seminar at Tañon College served as a valuable platform for students to learn about studying abroad and to envision a bright future filled with new experiences and opportunities in Australia.